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Japanese Candlestick Charting Techniques, Second Edition
Opens up the world of candlesticks
"If you don't know anything about candlesticks, this book will certainly help. It offers a lot of information and can be overwhelming for a new trader, but once you understand what creates a candle and what all the different shapes of candles mean you can incorporate it into your trading. It is defi Read more...
An American Hedge Fund: How I Made $2 Million as a Stock Operator & Created a Hedge Fund
Great read
I recently read this book and really enjoyed it. The book keeps you on the edge of your seat as you try to figure out what Tim did next. It was really great to get a better idea of where Tim came from and to learn a bit more about hedge funds.
This movie is a must watch for any trader. It captures the manipulation, emotion, greed, highs, lows, etc. that encapsulates the whole trading community. Michael D is a fantastic actor and I can't imagine any other person playing Gordon Gekko with such class. A fantastic movie.
"As a rather new trader this website has been invaluable in shorting my learning curve. When I read about something in the Investors Underground chat room that I didn't understand, like boxing a trade, I can quickly go to Investopedia and find out more information. Another great aspect of this websi Read more...
"I have been with Suretrader for almost 3 months now and having the ability to trade as I please and not be subjected to the PDT rule is great. Yes, their fees are a bit high, but I believe that is because they are situated in the Bahamas and have certain fees to cover. As with anything else, ever Read more...
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