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PennyStocking Part 1 & Part Deux + ShortStocking DVD + TIM raw + TIMfundamentals
Great combo
This is a great combo but it is highly repetitive. There is no need to have all 5. Pennystocking 2 is the best and Timfundamentals cover just about everything you need to profit.
I have all of Nison's books and DVDs and this one is probably the best in that you can learn very quickly some very valuable insights in the world of candlesticks. I also like how this one gives you some actionable strategies whereas some of Nison's other books are sort of academic. This will real Read more...
This movie will be awesome based on the trailers and the fact that the original Wall st. is probably the best financial movie ever made.
Watched this awhile back, I think it was Trish Regan who was interviewing all sorts of contestants at the dog show. Boy, what fanatics, is all I can say. The grooming and hair styles on those standard poodles is funny. These people put their lives into their dogs. I wonder how much it costs in gr Read more...
I've only watched the show in part but from what I saw, it looked pretty good. Very interesting to watch, gives you a realistic feel of the anguish that defines being a trader. Some people are definitely not cut out for it.
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