User Reviews
Wildly entertaining
This was a wildly entertaining movie. Remember really enjoying it, lots action packed scenes and suspense. Good girls to boot. That works for me!! 5 stars. The plot who cares, I pretty much forgot, Read more...
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Good for beginners and people that desire to be in a group
"They take a value approach to investing, and do a decent job at recommendations. You can join a local club, too. That said, it didn't take me long to grow out of this one. I'm not a group scene person, and the local club was more of a click suffering from a bad case of group think. They must hav Read more...
Worth Joining -- Educational/Practical Info, Real Portfolios
"This is a grass-roots educator on investment principles, more or less coming from a traditional value approach from the free content. The free content is decent, but the really, really good stuff comes from membership (and yes, I'm a lifetime member). The newsletters and magazines are very well d Read more...
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