User Reviews
It is a good idea
The site may not work the best, but when it is done right. They will really do well!
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To much money, for little info...
"I joined Traders International when I saw there promotion video in the Internet in 2008. Cost was $6,000. 1st month was $3,000, 2nd month was $3,000. It was my first experience with a live trading room and trading course. I paid the first $3,000 and after the 2nd week I left the trading room and n Read more...
To much money, for to little...
"in 2008 I joined Traders international. there promotion was fantastic at the time. I paid $3,000 the first month then another balance of $3,000 the second month. Easy money for traders international. That's $6,000 in total. I did not pay the second month, and left the company after the 5th day in t Read more...
They Only Teach How to Use Their Indicators
"Traders International (TI) only teaches how to use their ""customized"" indicators to trade the market. They do not teach at all how to read the market or adapt to market conditions. You trade based off of divergence in price and their indicators. I first learned about it from a webinar hosted b Read more...
Pattern trading
This was my first course. If you want to pay a lot of money of a basic pattern course, this is for you. THe incidators provided where much better and useful. After it was all said and done they did not teach me how to trade. I till use some of the compontents of the course but in a fashion close to Read more...
"I attended a free class... the class was okay, but quickly learned you had to pay more than $5,000 to get the real info. It was a teaser. The website is misleading as there are claims that the company is featured in Inc. and Forbes magazine... they are featured - but a paid promotional advertisem Read more...
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